The State of the Story

We're a community of imaginative marketers and strategic storytellers. Throughout the year, we connect top business leaders and global creatives interested in mastering the transition from advertising to brand storytelling.

Want to join the cause and conversation?

Exciting Leadership Update at Magnet
Meet our new CEO, Michelle Vincent, leading us into the next chapter.
"It was great. Thanks so much for including me. I thought you innovated cleverly and effectively to use the hybrid environment well."

David Rubin

Chief Marketing Officer, The New York Times

"The group of people you bring together is always special and your Magnet team are just good people—so kind and talented and warm. Very special."

Susan Canavari

Chief Marketing Officer, Sundae

"I've presented at The State of the Story Summit a handful of times and I've always enjoyed it. It's a thoughtfully curated lineup with strategic insights."

Michael Smith

Chief Marketing Officer, NPR

Call for speakers 2024

We're planning several events this year. Do you have an inspiring topic to present or know someone who does?
+1 (646) 486-7109
500 7th Ave, New York, NY 10018

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